N头条>英语词典>people of color翻译和用法

people of color

英 [ˈpiːpl ɒv ˈkʌlə(r)]

美 [ˈpiːpl əv ˈkʌlər]

网络  有色人种





  • American-style nationalism is both a beginning and narrow tolerance, forgiveness is the only Caucasian tolerance, Indians right, Black people and other people of color have always been discriminatory.
  • Jeff: This is indeed legendary. The people's stories are full of dra-matic color too.
  • People of different national and ethnic understanding of color have in common, but due to the different such as society, history, customs, people, people to the understanding of the color also had a great difference.
  • New legislation may have to be introduced if clubs are to be prevented from debarring people from membership on grounds of race or color.
  • The use of advanced and reliable means of research, science and rigorous experimental design features of the ordinary people looking to study in the face of color attending one of the most basic and important work.
  • The color has a special appeal and influence for the people. From the perspective of freehand figure painting, color is not only an important Performance way in painting works, but also is the artistic language which has the meaning of existence independent.
  • Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color.
  • People cannot be identical to the resolution of same color, should use spectrophotometer guest to determine view, scientifically so color.
  • In order to make the textures look more real, people use some procedural definitions of the color variation for adding surface texture to the objects in a scene.
  • With the expand of modern city and more and more complicated of the emergence of the city problem, the ability of people control the whole of the urban color full with confidence become more and more difficult.